
The Line

I live in northwest Montana where pine is the predominant tree, where rivers are clean and full of healthy fishes.

You won’t find sand here.

So, I drew my line into the gravel and dirt.  I marked it across the river trail my dog and I walk almost every day.  I used a stick covered in bark, moss, and a bit of dog slobber.

The line separates the beginning of this blog, which became a place of healing the loss and heartbreak of losing my dad, from the next phase, which will hopefully be A Readable Feast.

Last month I celebrated my birthday, and although I’m not Jewish, last week we celebrated Rosh Hashanah.  A time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and re-creation.

I haven’t come up with a set of rules or definition for the next phase of this blog.  For now, I’ll sprinkle it with random thoughts from the river trail.

I’m a Writer working on an action-adventure novel.  I spend many hours and days alone in my writing room.  I come here, to this blog, to share and connect.  Feel free to comment, disagree, share.

I’m committed to submitting at least two pieces a week.  I assume a theme will emerge after a while.  The theme may end up simply being ME.  I started A Readable Feast as a place to share recipes and advice with my daughters, but I tend to write those words in private, so this will most likely be a journey of personal re-creation.

My sister gave me a coffee mug for my birthday that reads: Life isn’t about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself. Unknown

I love that.  I love the mug.  I love it that my big sister gave it to me.

My grandmother’s sister, Lila will be 102 in November.  If I get to live that long, I am exactly half-way there.  So here’s to creating the Jana I will be for the next half of my life.

Talk with you soon.  JK

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